Έβαλάμι ιδώια ακόμα καμπόσις σιλίδις

Τετάρτη 1 Φεβρουαρίου 2012

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By Dr. John N. Kalaras, Senior Professor @Chicago
Πρύτανη του Πανεπιστημίου Αριστον
Copyright: Chicago 1998
The Orchestras electrified the atmosphere, with musical organs like the harp the lyre the aulos and
hydraulos. The chorus in the odium or theatre synchronized with the organs harmoniously.
Orchestrators synthesized musical poetry, satyr and comedy, in a melodic symphony. The rhythm and harmonious eurythmy were unparalleled. Synthesis, synergy and symphony idealized every orchestrated episode. The magnetic atmosphere, the harmonic rhythm and the stereophonic echo generated magic.
The genesis of classical drama, was not symptomatic. A euphoria of charismatic and talented protagonists showed fantastic scenes of historic episodes. The prologue, the theme and the epilogue, comprised the trilogy of drama while synthesis, analysis and synopsis characterized the phraseology of the text.
The syntax and phraseology used by scholars, academicians and philosophers in their rhetoric, had many grammatical idioms and idiosyncrasies.
The protagonists, periodically used pseudonyms. Anonymity was a syndrome that characterized the theatrical atmosphere. The panoramic fantasy, the mystique, the melody, the aesthetics, the use of cosmetic epithets, are characteristics of drama.
Even though the theatres were physically gigantic, there was no need for microphones, because the architecture and the acoustics, would echo isometrically and crystally-clear. Many epistimologists of physics, aerodynamics, acoustics electronics, elecrtomagnetics can not analyze-explain the ideal and isometric acoustics of Hellenic theatres even today.
There were many categories of drama: classical drama, melodrama, satyric, epic,comedy, e.t.c.
The syndrome of xenophobia or dyslexia was overcomed by the pathos of the actors, who practiced methodically and emphatically.
Acrobatics were also euphoric.There was a plethora of anecdotal themes, with which acrobats would electrify the ecstatic audience, with scenes from mythical and historical episodes..
Some theatric episodes were characterized as scandalous and blasphemous. Pornography, bigamy, hemophelia, nymphomania, polyandry, polygamy and heterosexuality were dramatized in a pedagogical way, so the mysticism about them would not cause phobia or anathema or taken as anomaly, but through logic, dialogue and analysis, the skepticism and the pathetic or cryptic mystery behind them, would be dispelled.
It is historically and chronologically proven, that theatre emphasized pedagogy, idealism and harmony. Paradoxically, it also energized patriotism, a phenomenon that symbolized ethicacy, character and charisma.
Asclepius and Hipocrates the patriarchs of pharmacology, used botany as their methodology for therapy. Diagnosis, biopsy, prognosis and then therapy, were techniques used with every anomaly of the soma-body. Analysis and dialysis of protoplasms, neoplasms, chromosomes are common methods.
Schizophrenia, melancholy, epilepsy, hysteria, scycopathy, are psychotic symptoms, analyzed via hypnosis and metempsychosis.
Anemia, atrophy, stomachic dyspepsy, pachydermy, dermatitis, laryngitis, hepatitis, menigitis are somatic anomalies analyzed biochemically.
Chronic anemia causes leukemia but radiology and kymotherapy can be the theraputic techniques.The stethoscope was used for asthmatic patheses of the thorax.
Sclerosis, atrophy or dystrophy of the skeleton is analyzed by osteology, otitis by otology leprocy and psoriasis by dermatology , astigmatism and myopia by ophthalmology and of course the epistimology of genesis would be emphasized through embriology in gynecology. Pediatrists, podiatrists, orthopedics, orthodontists
pathologists neurologists are very common titles.
Hypnotists use hypnosis and before a syringe is used hypodermically, anesthisiologists use anesthetics. An overdose of anesthetics could cause amnesia or paralysis. With neuratic patheses, electrolysis was used to energize the neuropathic or atrophic nerve.

Theology analyzed a mosaic of Eclisiastical themes. The thesis however that theology takes is very dogmatic. There is a diametric and astronomic antithesis between dogmatism and ideology. Dogmatism has mysticism, is autarchic, myopic, autocratic, cryptic and even schismatic, axiomatic and monolythic. Ideology, emphasizes dialogue,
energizes a climate of logical and microscopic analysis of themes, philosophizes and produces a euphoria of ideas and syllogisms.
Theology has many dogmatic mysticisms, which stigmatized certain chronological periods with panacea. A paradigm is the iconolatry which caused pandemonium and schism among the Patriarchs, Metropolitans and people.
An anarchist or blasphemous christian could be stigmatized and anathematized. Anathema was a practical technique to exclude someone.
When a patriarchic throne was orphaned, the Ecumenical Synod would enthrone
the new patriarch. Paradoxically, the selection method was democratic.
Monotheism and polytheism is also analyzed by theologists. Eclisiastical hymns have poetic rhythm and melody, that is why musical organs are allowed in lyturgy.
Prophets and Apostoles emphasized ethicacy, harmony and euthanasia.

Some of the topics emphasized and analyzed in physics and chemistry were: thermodynamics, aerodynamics, biophysics, biology, biochemistry metallurgy, magnetism, static electricity etc.
Some of the techniques used are dialysis, electrolysis, synthesis while some of the materials were asbestos oxygen, metal, magnets. Along with the chemists, geologists would analyze the seismogenic, the botanic and ecological phenomena.

Mathematic and geometric theorems and axioms, both practical and theoretic
were analyzed by mathematicians. Alphanumeric systems with cryptic or mnemonic coding have been developed. Geometric shemes like the prism, the pyramid, the circle the parallelogramm and other isometric shemes like the pentagon, hexagon, octagon
are analyzed periodically. With diagrams, the periphery, the peremetry, the diameter and the dichotomy are studied.
Analogous is the study of astronomy and astrology, where tools like chronometers and telescopes could analyze the telemetry and telekinesis of stars and meteoric phenomena of the galaxy. This study generated the telepathy, the telephone, the telegram the telegraph, the telephone.t.c.

Economic systems basically symbolize the philosophy and the ideology of their party. In a democratic political system, ideology and dialogue characterize the basic methodology and strategy of the politicians. However, systems like monarchy tyrany, or oligarchy, are stigmatized with megaeconomic and social problems. When monarchs or tyrants were dethroned, they nostalgically agonized how to bring anarchy, so that they may be enthroned again. Their chronic egomania and megalomania, their apathy for philanthropy and their aenigmatic, problematic and pathetic logic, periodically stigmatized the political arena. Tyrants symbolize anarchy, phobia, panic, chronic epedemy and paralysis of the socioeconomic system.
The agora was the physical location where politicians, philosophers and scholars would analyze the problems generated by monarchy, tyranny and periodically aristocracy.
The basic methodology was dialogue, rhetoric or poetry. The dialogue was characterized by synthesis analysis, and synopsis, a systematic phenomenon in every epistimologist’s phraseology.
The rhetoric was pragmatic, yet charesmatic, characterized by harmony, magnetic fantasy and practical talent. Historians and chronographers have systematically shown that charesmatic politicians electrified the odium or the agora with their rhetoric, in which they used cosmetic epithets, eclectic idioms, metaphors, paradigms and paradoxical phraseological idiosyncrasies.
Classical poets, satyrs, scholars and philosophers emphatically critisized the anemic tyrants for their catastrophic and scandaleous egomania. Paradoxically, inspite their idiosyncracies, some tyrants, like Periandros the Corinthian, were charesmatic, philanthropic and sympathetic
to the economic problems and social climate. Some of them, who strategized their economics ethically and logically, created economic euphoria, which allowed architects to build odiums and theaters to practice music and drama, gymnasiums and stadiums to organize athletisism. Most of them, however, had the syndrome of apathy, autocracy, autarchy, empathy, were myopic and spasmodic egomaniacs, who antagonized everything that demonstrated an antithesis.
However, the climax of ideology, dialogue, epistimology, philosophy, logic and harmony, are practiced in a democratic system. Here you have the forum at the agora, where politics and socioeconomics are analyzed by politicians, academicians and scholars. Politicians antagonized the philosophers and scholars on ideology and practicality of economic systems and ideas. They both, however, emphasized ethicacy, ideology, logic and harmonious political atmosphere.
History has no parallel paradigm of a politician with character and charisma, like Pericles the Athenian, whose scholastic and stochastic dynamism, rhetoric, fantasy, energy and ideology characterized him as the ARCHITECT OF THE ATHENIAN DEMOCRACY.


The scope of my lecture is to generate a dynamic dialogue on organizational and economic systems and techniques. Basically, my methodology is characterized by dialogue, a systematic phenomenon with every academician or epistimologist.
I will systematically analyze the idiosyngracies and the characteristics of the organizational systems practiced today.
The architecture of my analysis-strategy, is systematic and pragmatic, yet paradoxically is characterized by enthusiasm and synchronization between theory and practice. The harmonic synergy of mathematical models and statistical techniques, has generated theorems and axioms practiced in capitalistic economic systems. My philosophy is logical, ethical and practical and has erected organizational models that have generated economic euphoria.
The magic esthetics of my tactic, is the plethora of Hellenic terminology in my phraseology.
The genesis of tragic economic problems generated in an economy are not symptomatic, in fact they are cyclical and periodic phenomena.
Such phenomena stigmatize and traumatize the economic euphoria of the agora.
Economic systems basically symbolize the philosophy and ideology of the governing political party.
The chronic and pathetic egomania and megalomania of certain governors, monarchs or tyrants, their apathy for philanthropy, their enigmatic and problematic logic, generated gigantic economic crises, which stigmatized and traumatized their political career. Such practices generate phobia, panic and periodically paralysis of the socioeconomic system.
The agora, during the archaic periods, was characterized as the physical parameters where philosophers, scholars, economists and epistimologists analyzed the problems generated by the political system.
The basic methodology was dialogue or rhetoric.
Dialogue, in a diametric antithesis with the monologue, has magic, it is characterized by synthesis and analysis and a plethora of other lectic schemes.

*Αλήθεια...Υπάρχει κανείς που δεν κατάλαβε τι έλεγε το παραπάνω άρθρο;
Πόσο διαχρονική και πολυεπίπεδη είναι η επίδραση της ελληνικής στις άλλες γλώσσες; Kαλύπτει όλο το φάσμα της καθημερινής ομιλίας των λαών ή μία επιστημονική-πολιτισμική πτυχή τους; Kαι ακόμη είναι υπερβολή ότι χωρίς τις ελληνικής προέλευσης λέξεις και ρίζες, πολλές γλώσσες θα ήταν εντελώς διαφορετικές και ο πολιτισμός θα είχε καθυστερήσει, οπωσδήποτε θα ήταν διαφορετικός;
Tο θέμα της επίδρασης της ελληνικής - ιδιαίτερα στην αγγλική γλώσσα- πραγματεύεται ο καθηγητής, πρύτανης του Πανεπιστημίου Aριστον στο Σικάγο των HΠA, Γιάννης N. Kαλαράς. Tα συγκριτικά στοιχεία της μελέτης αποδεικνύουν ότι η γλωσσική και πνευματική διείσδυση της ελληνικής δεν περιορίστηκε στην Eυρώπη αλλά επεκτάθηκε κατά περιόδους και σε άλλα σημεία του κόσμου.
Mια χρονολόγηση αυτής της διείσδυσης επιβάλλει την παραδοχή ότι η γλωσσική ήταν σχεδόν ταυτόχρονη ή ακολούθησε την πολιτιστική. Λογικά η όποια επίδραση έπρεπε να ήταν περιορισμένη σε χώρες αναπτυγμένες πολιτισμικά και γλωσσικά.
Ομως, η παρουσία ελληνικών γλωσσικών ριζών σε απλές και πρωτογενείς λέξεις, στις περισσότερες των ευρωπαϊκών χωρών, μαρτυρεί ότι προϋπήρξε παλαιότερη ίσως και προϊστορική διείσδυση στον υπόλοιπο κόσμο, δηλαδή σε εποχή που ήταν τελείως ή σχεδόν άγλωσσος και προφανώς ακαλλιέργητος. Aυτή η προϊστορική παιδεία του κόσμου φαίνεται να αποσιωπείται γιατί θα ήταν πολύ υποτιμητικό να αποδεχθούν οι... μεγάλοι των δύο-τριών τελευταίων αιώνων ότι αυτός ο μικρός λαός θεμελίωσε τη γλώσσα τους, σημειώνει ο κ. Kαλαράς.
Ο μεγάλος δανειστικός όγκος των άλλων γλωσσών από την ελληνική-ανάλογη σπουδή έχει γίνει στο παρελθόν και από τον καθηγητή, πρώην πρωθυπουργό Ξ. Zολώτα- αναγνωρίζεται (όχι δημόσια) από τον ακαδημαϊκό κόσμο όταν αξιολογεί συγγραφική δραστηριότητα, οπότε τα βασικότερα κριτήρια είναι η περιεκτικότητα και ο τρόπος χρήσης της ελληνικής ορολογίας.
Tο αγγλικό κείμενο που ακολουθεί -προϊόν μελέτης του καθηγητή Kαλαρά- αποδεικνύει πασιφανώς την ανυπέρβλητη προσφορά της ελληνικής στην ανθρωπότητα. Πως αν αφαιρεθούν λέξεις καθαρά ελληνικές ή με ελληνική ρίζα, ό,τι απομένει δεν έχει νόημα, δεν ευσταθεί συντακτικά και καταρρέει.

This started with Xenofon Zolotas, interim prime minister of Greece, and president of the bank of Greece.


he was the first to deliver speeches in English using exclusively greek words:

Two of his speeches in English are considered to be historical. This is because they contained only terms of Greek origin. Here are the texts:

Speech of 1957

"I always wished to address this Assembly in Greek, but realized that it would have been indeed "Greek" to all present in this room. I found out, however, that I could make my address in Greek which would still be English to everybody. With your permission, Mr. Chairman, l shall do it now, using with the exception of articles and prepositions, only Greek words.

"Kyrie, I eulogize the archons of the Panethnic Numismatic Thesaurus and the Ecumenical Trapeza for the orthodoxy of their axioms, methods and policies, although there is an episode of cacophony of the Trapeza with Hellas. With enthusiasm we dialogue and synagonize at the synods of our didymous organizations in which polymorphous economic ideas and dogmas are analyzed and synthesized. Our critical problems such as the numismatic plethora generate some agony and melancholy. This phenomenon is characteristic of our epoch. But, to my thesis, we have the dynamism to program therapeutic practices as a prophylaxis from chaos and catastrophe. In parallel, a Panethnic unhypocritical economic synergy and harmonization in a democratic climate is basic. I apologize for my eccentric monologue. I emphasize my euharistia to you, Kyrie to the eugenic and generous American Ethnos and to the organizes and protagonists of his Amphictyony and the gastronomic symposia".

Speech of 1959

Kyrie, it is Zeus' anathema on our epoch (for the dynamism of our economies) and the heresy of our economic method and policies that we should agonize the Skylla of nomismatic plethora and the Charybdis of economic anaemia. It is not my idiosyncrasy to be ironic or sarcastic but my diagnosis would be that politicians are rather cryptoplethorists. Although they emphatically stigmatize nomismatic plethora, they energize it through their tactics and practices. Our policies should be based more on economic and less on political criteria. Our gnomon has to be a metron between economic, strategic and philanthropic scopes. Political magic has always been anti-economic. In an epoch characterized by monopolies, oligopolies, monopolistic antagonism and polymorphous inelasticities, our policies have to be more orthological, but this should not be metamorphosed into plethorophobia, which is endemic among academic economists. Nomismatic symmetry should not antagonize economic acme. A greater harmonization between the practices of the economic and nomismatic archons is basic. Parallel to this, we have to synchronize and harmonize more and more our economic and nomismatic policies panethnically. These scopes are more practicable now, when the prognostics of the political and economic barometer are halcyonic. The history of our didimus organization on this sphere has been didactic and their gnostic practices will always be a tonic to the polyonymous and idiomorphous ethnical economies. The genesis of the programmed organization will dynamize these policies. Therefore, I sympathize, although not without criticism one or two themes with the apostles and the hierarchy of our organs in their zeal to program orthodox economic and nomismatic policies, although I have some logomachy with them.I apologize for having tyrannized you with my Hellenic phraseology. In my epilogue, I emphasize my eulogy to the philoxenous aytochtons of this cosmopolitan metropolis and my encomium to you, Kyrie stenographers.

Δια χειρός Δημητρίου Παλαιολόγου